In January-August 2009, JSC Freight One conveyed 146.2m tonnes of cargo (+175% against the same period last year). The growth was mainly the result of increasing Freight One’s cargo base due to the gradual withdrawal of its fleet from Russian Railways. Another important factor was the move to expand the company’s client base in connection with the development of its regional network.
Over the first eight months of 2009, the following volumes were transported: 47.5m tonnes of coal; 42.1m tonnes of oil cargo; 13.6m tonnes of ore mineral; 10.3m tonnes of construction cargo; 5.6m tonnes of ferrous metals; 7.6m tonnes of cement; 2.8m tonnes of chemical and mineral fertilizers; 5.1m tonnes of timber freight, and 11.6m tonnes of other cargo.
Freight One’s share of haulage was 18.2% (+13.2% against the same period last year).
On the results of 2009, it is planned to convey more than 200m tonnes of cargo — more than double the amount in 2008.