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Russian Transport Daily Report is a unique product devoted to the transport and logistics market of the Russian Federation. It provides the latest daily news on transportation, delivery services, transport services, transport logistics, international freight, investment projects, airport transportation, haulage, international shipping, freight services, express services etc. Every issue has several sections including air, sea, rail, road and logistics, as well as infrastructure and finance. The bulletin has an extended subscriber list including transport companies, shipping companies, carriers, rail operators and many others who are interested in the development of transport and logistics of Russia.

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Murmansk Shipping Company Takes Delivery of “Novaya Zemlya”

Murmansk Shipping Company has received a bulker vessel “Novaya Zemlya”. The flag raising and christening ceremony was held on 31 March 2009 at Chengxi Shipyard Co., LTD in Jingyin (China). The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the Russian diplomatic corps in China, the representatives of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping and top management of the shipping company and the shipyard. The motorship “Novaya Zemlya” is the fourth ice class bulker of series the shipping company acquired over the last four years. Thus, Murmansk Shipping Company acquired “Grumant” in 2006, “Pomorye” in 2007, “Zapolyarye” in 2008. The motorship has the capacity of 21 755 tons, deadweight – 23 645 tons, length – 173.28 m, beam – 22.86 m, draft – 9.91 m. The vessel is registered in the Russian International Register of Vessels and meets the modern standards of safety and effective operation of bulkers with the deadweight of 23 700 tons classified as KM(STAR)Аrc4 [1] AUT1 BULK CARRIER BC-A (ESP) in the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.
